Corporate Learn to Row
Corporate rowing program
Andrew Carnegie is famous for remarking that "the cooperative effort of rowing provides a better model for global business than any other sport." Are there essential lessons about teamwork and leadership that can be learned from the sport of rowing? We at Western Reserve Rowing think the answer to that question is emphatically YES, and we invite you bring a group of your colleagues to put our belief to the test! We promise a fun and memorable experience.
A Western Reserve Corporate Rowing teambuilding experience is likely unique compared to any other teambuilding event you have participated in before. We’ve all seen the inspirational poster that talks about teamwork and shows a glossy boat gliding across the water with eight rowers moving in unison at their coxswain’s directives! But how fun would it be - to actually be in that boat - and physically feel the power of individuals moving in unison working toward a common goal? (Or at least attempting to!)
We can customize an event for your group as a half day event, or just a fun couple of hours getting a feel for rowing. Every session includes an introduction to the rowing stroke and the mechanics of rowing on an indoor rowing machine (ergometer); an overview of rowing terminology; a familiarization with the boathouse, equipment, and safety; and culminates with a coached rowing session on the Cuyahoga! For more information, please contact to check for available dates this season.

Sample Half-Day Program:
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Breakfast and Classroom teambuilding session/Intention setting
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Ergometer session and Boathouse/Equipment overview
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Row the Cuyahoga!
11:45 AM – 12:00 PM Debrief with Coach; Debrief with Facilitator and Coxswains
12:00 PM – Adjourn for refreshments.