High Performance - U28
This program provides a new opportunity for rowers of a higher caliber to train and compete under WRRA colors. It is also intended to widen the pool of potential future coaches and higher-caliber masters rowers by engaging and training potential coaches and coxswains, by providing opportunities to coach and cox for WRRA.
This program is for rowers with at least 3 years' experience who are able and qualified to be competitive in open category races. Threshold standards for participation will be set and tested for by the coaching staff, and must be met before a rower can participate. The standards may be waived/amended at the discretion of the coaching staff.
The H-P Program is intended to be a year-round program, broken up into sessions to allow enrollment by collegiate students home on holiday breaks, or students in Cleveland over the summer on internship, etc. 5x/week (plus non-coached erg/weight sessions). On-water sessions will primarily be held in the morning, before working hours, using WRRA, JCU and CSU equipment.
The fee for participating will be $567.60/year. However, to offset the costs of the program, participants will be expected to obtain sponsorships, and qualified participants will be required to become CQL certified and provide coaching, coxing or dock attendant services for WRRA.
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