Learn to Row

Learn to Row (LTR) is a two hour instructional session which introduces new rowers to the sport of rowing on the Cuyahoga River. LTR is an opportunity for adults (18 and older) to experience the sport of rowing and determine interest in joining Cleveland’s rowing community through WRRA’s Summer Rowing League or Veterans Rowing League.

WRRA instructors will teach the basics of the sport of rowing, river safety, rowing terminology, and boat handling. Participants will receive instruction on basic rowing technique using a stationary rowing machine (erg), and a 90 minute (give or take a passing freighter or two) on-the-water practice, rowing in an eight-person boat.

Cost per session: $60 (only one session is required in order to sign up for our Summer Rowing League)

If you would like to be placed on a list for the Learn to Row sessions, please click here. You will be notified when session(s) are scheduled.

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